by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Dec 27, 2020 | Blog, Search Engine Optimization, Search Index, SEO, SEO Management, SEO Mistakes
When you visit a website to learn more about the business, industry or product, you want to get good service. What service? Well, let’s take a look at what happens when you visit a site. Perhaps you may search for an industry like lawn service in the local area on...
by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Dec 27, 2020 | Blog, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, SEO Management, SEO Mistakes
When websites are indexed by search engines, they are essentially ranked by authority for any given subject. There are many, many factors that search engines take into account to determine website authority. One factor that can make a huge contribution to that...
by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Dec 27, 2020 | Blog, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, SEO Management, SEO Mistakes
SEO management is all about position your website and its content for success when ranking for authority against your competitors. One powerful tool in that effort is the webpage title tag. Title tags are elements of the website’s structure Google looks for when...
by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Dec 25, 2020 | Blog, SEO, SEO Management, SEO Mistakes, Website Design
Photographs are a great tool commonplace to the website design process. They help tell a story, visually articulate your message, even align your design with a given audience. But while they can provide an excellent source of visual interest and branding, photographs...
by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Dec 24, 2020 | Blog, Website Design
Building a website design that is both attractive and effective in ushering your website visitors through to conversion is a delicate balance of form and function. The latter being excruciatingly important if you want your visitors to be impressed by the former....