by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Jun 16, 2022 | SEO, SEO Management, SEO Mistakes, Social Media Advertising, Social Media Marketing
Content marketing is really a simple concept. Media companies target interest. Audience interest is what they target. In the SEO game, that should be your interest. Interest weeds out the site visitors who have, well….no interest. No interest spells high bounce rates...
by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Sep 28, 2017 | Small Business, Social Media Advertising, Social Media Marketing
Small business owners have been looking for an opportunity to play with the big boys since the beginning of time. With the advent of social media marketing, they’ve seen their chance. Traditional media forms have always charged a premium to reach high numbers with...
by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Jan 11, 2017 | Blog, Content Marketing, Small Business, Social Media Advertising, Social Media Marketing
[sgmb id=”1″] Many small business owners today concede they need to have a social media presence in today’s market. Just the sheer numbers of consumers who practically live on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram every day bolster that fact. Add to that...
by DigitalVisibilityConsultants | Jan 11, 2017 | Digital Advertising, Google, SEM Advertising, Social Media Advertising
[sgmb id=”1″] Since the rise of internet marketing, small business marketers have found a fantastic resource for getting a leg up on the competition. Before widespread internet advertising print marketing and direct mail were the only real options for...