
Chicago’s Brand Development, Website Design and Search Engine Optimization Specialists

222 Merchandise Mart Plaza
Suite #3994
Chicago, IL 60654
Tel. 773.664.5819

It’s a powerful thing when your website is ranked as a leader in your space online. The top organic positions on search engine results pages come with a level of trust and authority that seeks websites visited with 70% of the traffic that makes its way to Page 1.

How does a business earn that kind of trust? One sure-fire way is word of mouth. Word of mouth has always been a fantastic way of earning instant credibility for businesses. And online, word of mouth amounts to trusted reviews. Reviews from platforms like Facebook and Yelp help customers get a good sense of a business’ credibility, trustworthiness and overall business practices.

Google reviews are the gold standard of customer reviews, and that is probably the best place to begin developing a potent customer review strategy to build your website’s SEO credibility.

Google, you see, is the gold standard of search engine results. It would then follow that Google reviews (via Google My Business) would offer the most potent reviews to support your business.

Fortunately, garnering reviews on Google My Business is made relatively easy by way of the Google My Business app. Available for both Android and iOS, the app offers a handy one-click invitation you can send to customers to request a positive review for your business.

Getting a strategy going for developing such reviews should really be part of the client service process for your business. Following any successful sale or service call, it’s always a good idea to make a request that a customer or client leave a comment or two about their experience with your business online. Firstly, the experience is fresh on their minds; and secondly, their sense of good will following your interaction is at its highest. They are not only likely to leave a good review, but the review they leave will probably be the most complimentary one you’ll get from that project shortly after converting them into a happy customer.

For those who don’t immediately answer, it’s important to remember that people get busy. So don’t take it personally. Being persistence is important, but patience is also vital. Periodic reminders a week or two following your initial request are great excuses for catching up or following up with your client or customer.  

Of course, you don’t want to hound them. It may hurt future sales for your business. So don’t make it paramount. But nudging the customer or client when you have an opportunity may shake the coconut out of the tree if done right.

Email marketing is a great way to reach out to clients and customers with updates on your products, services and general goings-on. A simple reminder to add their review to your business profile if they’ve been happy with your brand can be effective without being oppressive when it comes at the end of an email campaign that is ostensibly blasted to any number of past customers.

If you would like to learn more about how search engine optimization strategies can power visibility and growth for your website, call Proctor Digital at 773.664.5819. We’d love to help!