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Benefits of Email MarketingEmail marketing is by far the most cost effective digital marketing vehicle small business has today. High bid oriented digital advertising platforms like Google Adwords can be costly and social marketing is a slow and steady strategy in any market.

But email marketing allows small businesses to target their customers and clients right where they live, their inbox at a fraction of the cost and time.

Here are 5 good reasons your small business could benefit greatly from an email marketing strategy today:

1) It’s Turnkey: Email marketing platforms like Constant Contact and Mailchimp offer businesses ready-to-wear resource polished brand communications that remind your customers what you do and why you’re so good at it. A large slate of templates and pre-designed options make getting your new email marketing program from zero to sixty easy as 1-2-3. No need for a lot of custom graphics if you opt against it. Just add your logo and content to a sharp industry themed design already in place and you’re good to go.

2) It’s Not Social: The problem with social media marketing for small business is, well…it’s too social. Customers stay logged in to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to check out the latest memes, jump on the latest trending topics and have a quick laugh. They don’t however go to social media to be sold a pair of khakis or a new pair of leggings.

In social environments too much business talk can be a bore. But your email inbox isn’t exactly a social environment, at least not exclusively. People routinely make purchases, business decisions and subscription transactions via email. So marketing via email is a natural choice. A well-crafted email marketing campaign can be anything but intrusive if the reader is a good fit for your product or service. Whereas a post promoting your top selling products this month on Facebook can just be annoying for people who are simply looking to connect with friends, real or digital.

3) It Increases Brand Awareness: Visibility is the name of the game in today’s crowded small business environment. And increased visibility means increased brand awareness. A monthly or even weekly email blast reminds potential customers you are there. And a well crafted email newsletter shows them you know your stuff and are worthy of a call the next time they need a business like yours.

4) It Works: Probably more than most other digital marketing platforms you’ve already tried, email marketing works. It is reported that every dollar spent on email marketing makes an average of $44 in return on investment (Source: Campaign Monitor).

Businesses rely on email marketing to build customer awareness, promote products and services and to serve as a valuable source of targeted web traffic, which leads to conversion and sales. Don’t overlook the value email marketing can represent for your business.

If you have questions about adding email marketing to your small business digital marketing options, call a Proctor Digital consultant at 773.245.7226. We love helping small business owners get a leg up on the competition.